Phils weblog

Is GitHub now able to manage my blog?

One of the cool things about and specially it's weblog feature is that it's backed by an API. There are steps on how to hook it up.

This is a test post to see if it's now working? Maybe I had the wrong address - maybe just my username? The problem was with my yaml to start with:

on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          fetch-depth: 2
      - id: weblog_import
        uses: neatnik/
          ADDRESS: phils
          WEBLOG_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.WEBLOG_API_KEY }}

The docs said to use your own address, so I tried,, actually what the config wanted was just phils.

Then I had an issue that updates weren't happening. I asked for help and the missing step was having a file names reset in my configuration folder. It can be empty.

After making all these fixes, I committed some changes and then my posts began to appear.

Why move to managing my weblog with Github?

  1. The site is now backed up on Microsoft infrastructure.
  2. I can host my weblogs images on GitHub.
  3. I can use VS Code to write my posts (it has a great markdown editor).
  4. Takes less than a minute to commit changes and them showing up online.

If you want to do the same, feel free to look at my GitHub repo to see how I've set it up.

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