Phils weblog


My little corner of the web, where I collect the odd things I find.

Now, if you're a specific kind of reader you might have a feeling that you need to contact me about the title of my weblog. Let me stop you from typing, "bla bla missing an apostrophe bla bla". You see, my blog is named after my username. Yes, it's Phils. So this is Phils weblog. Not Phil's weblog.

Recent posts


I found a solution to yesterday's problem. With the help of Firefox and the Print Edit WE extension, I created a PDF for each page of the Microsoft module. So for some courses this is 7 PDFs. I then used the free (but you...



I have a problem. All the work I've done for Microsoft isn't attributed. I have the source Markdown in my forks of the Learn repo (which I'll lose access to when I leave my current job). But all the work is under embargo and...



I'm trying something different today. Writing into the iOS LanguageTool app. It doesn't officially support Markdown — but that's the great thing about Markdown. It's just plain text, so it is supported.

Today I'll share my coffee making tools. I've been a fan of...


Current status

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